FreeDB support: receive tag information quickly.
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You have the music albums in MP3 files or WMA files? You want to know album name, artist name and tracks name for these files? You don't want to enter this information manually?
You can receive this information using FreeDB service and save to files using our software.

What is FreeDB? FreeDB is a online database of compact disc track listings (compact disc database). To look up CD information over the Internet, a client program calculates a nearly unique disc ID and then queries the database. If the disc is in the database, the client is able to retrieve and display the artist, album title, tracklist and some additional information.
Mp3 Tag Assistant Professional has FreeDB Wizard. Using FreeDB Wizard you can receive tags for your MP3 albums quickly and easily.
You can read more information about FreeDB Wizard and receive tags with use Mp3 Tag Assistant Professional click by this link:
Receive tag information using FreeDB Wizard.
See also
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